- Casual Dining Restaurants, Caney
- Catholic Churches, Caney
- Central American Restaurants, Caney
- Chiropractic Clinics, Caney
- Chiropractor, Caney
- Christian Churches, Caney
- Church Of Christ, Caney
- Churches 1 Of 3, Caney
- City & County Government, Caney
- City & County Law Enforcement, Caney
- Clinics, Caney
- CNC Machine Shop, Caney
- Coffee, Espresso & Tea House Restaurants, Caney
- Commercial Printing, Caney
- Community Services, Caney
- Construction, Caney
- Consultants & Services, Caney
- Contact Lenses, Caney
- Convenience Stores, Caney
- County Police, Caney